Ruby Red, Lia 12"

Marie Claire

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This dress with it’double skirt is very vintage in feel. The lace trimmed sleeve and embroidered and beaded neckline lend a romantic feel. The dress is made from cotton calico and broadcloth with lace trim on the underskirt. The top skirt is gathered and trimmed with bows.

This pattern includes the pattern for her lace and ribbon trimmed pantaloons.

Fitted on Ruby Red Galleria 12" Lia doll
Bust 5-1/2"
Waist 5-1/8"
Hip 6-3/4"

Marie Claire for Ruby Red, Lia

Close up of embroidery Sitting full front view

Full Length Marie Claire dress for RubyRedGalleria

Lia sitting, side view Lia sitting, side view

detail of pantaloon hem